Personal Injury Claims

by May 31, 2021Civil Cases

Personal Injury Claims

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Personal Injury Claims

You may have a personal injury case if another’s negligence or intentional misconduct caused you bodily injury or emotional distress. You may also have a personal injury lawsuit if you have been defamed. Personal injury cases arise out of various situations, but some of the most common are slip and fall cases, defective products or “products liability” cases, medical malpractice claims, and injuries suffered as a result of foodborne illnesses.

You might also have a personal injury claim if you have been involved in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident. Whether you can recover damages for your injury depends on which car was at fault. There is a good chance that you are entitled to compensation for your suffering if the other car was speeding, ran a red light, failed to stop at a stop sign, rear-ended your car, or committed any number of other driving offenses.

Depending on the facts of your case, you may be entitled to monetary compensation for the injury that you have suffered. Many personal injury cases settle out of court, but many also go to trial. The attorneys at Davis & Hoss, PC have the knowledge and experience to help you negotiate a settlement or present your case to a jury.