Drug Crimes

by May 12, 2021Federal Cases, Federal Cases new

Drug Crimes

Home 9 Federal Cases 9 Drug Crimes
Chattanooga Drug Crime Lawyer
Federal Drug Charges and Penalties § 841

Drug charges are some of the most serious charges faced in federal court. With time as a critical factor, it is vital that you seek strong representation right away. Many federal charges carry mandatory sentences, one look at the Federal Sentencing Table shows how movement up or down even just a few levels can greatly affect the outcome of any given case.

An experienced Chattanooga drug crimes attorney is capable of giving you advice in order to best understand these drug laws and their consequences.

Be Prepared

The complexity of federal law is vast, therefore it is crucial to prepare yourself in every way possible. Once federal charges are filed, the accused individual will immediately be faced with bond or detention. This potential detention is influenced by the recommendations of the Federal Pretrial Services. The first stages of a federal drug charge are critical – schedule a consultation with our firm today.

Contact Davis & Hoss, PC for a Consultation

Drug Crime Resources

The Federal Sentencing Manual is a crucial resource that explains the guidelines governing various penalties that you could face in accordance with drug crime charges. Furthermore, it is likely that you will need expert advice to understand this complex legal document. The attentive, proven defense lawyers at our firm can help make these intimidating issues understandable to you and your family.

Our team understands what you are going through at this time and we are prepared to defend your rights and freedom and to make this process as smooth and painless as possible for you.

35+ Years of Legal Experience

Have you been charged with a federal drug crime such as trafficking, manufacturing, or possession of a controlled substance? Contact our Chattanooga office today to schedule a free case evaluation with our lawyers. At Davis & Hoss, PC, our Chattanooga drug crimes attorneys have the experience and perception to raise the issues necessary to protect you in federal court.